Tuesday 13 December 2022

We Are In For It Now

 Good Morning all. The last few days have been heaven. The temperature has been hovering 0C or above, very little wind, a bit of sun. Enjoyable. Tonight we start the first winter event. Of course it will start with freezing rain turning to snow. The remainder of the week will be snow. I understand it is a huge storm that will create snow, rain and tornadoes. The highest points will be in SE Saskatchewan abs southern Manitoba stretching all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico.

Christmas preparation is in full swing. We will be only seven this year. The others have plans or are still shielding from COVID and the various flu strains. It will be cozy but still fun. I still have some things to make as well as snacks to make into baskets for some.

Just some of it all.

There is no reason For my absence, except maybe laziness. I think we all need a break sometime. 

Enjoy the day!

