Monday 27 February 2023

Disaster Aborted

 I talked to daughter about the situation. She was mad. I told her I wouldn’t go if the interlopers insisted on coming. Long story short, she reminded me that the grandkids have no connections to granddad except for these people. The kids need that connection. I caved. I need to put aside my feelings and have them come to make memories with that side of the family. As it is we never go to my home province to visit so those ties are slowly slipping away as us older members pass away.

Myself, my son and his son all have autism. We are all adults so don’t have the communication problems we had when they were growing up. I have a coworker that also has autism. Today, I needed him to do up his timesheet a certain way. He refused. He did finally do it a different way I suggested. He had it in his mind it was going to be lost if he did the entry my way. He must have gone through ten or twenty sheets of paper trying to be “right”. No matter I just changed it after he had signed it and handed it in. It was like trying to convince my son or grandson when they were younger. By the way, the company wants it done the way I have handled it in the past. I also notice that as he gets older (71) he is getting worse.

Now I can start month end. Yippie!


Sunday 26 February 2023

Well He**

 I looked hard for a nice cottage to rent for my 70th Birthday. We were telling my BIL and SUK about it. If they didn’t invite themselves and daughter heartily agreed. I will not be going as it won’t be the peaceful vacation I had planned and wanted with just my own family. The really sad part is that it was expensive and I am paying for it and I don’t have time to save up for another vacation. Why do people just invite without asking and why do people feel it is okay to invite themselves. My husband is no longer living. As far as I am concerned, they are only my kids aunt and uncle. They are not related to me. I don’t mind seeing them once in awhile for coffee but that is it. His family have no manners as they were brought up in a certain religious society that don’t have manners. 


Thursday 23 February 2023

February 13, 23

 The past week

No big deal on Valentine’s Day. I brought in a variety of goodies- cup cakes, 2 bite brownies and truffles. I dressed for the occasion. 

Yup, I am a Im an Old Bag but a spunky happy one.

The rest if the week was work and sleep. Wednesday did bring the end of my work week, so what did I do? If is the inside spring clean. It feels and smells so nice. Never mind that we have no idea when the warm weather of spring will arrive. Yup, the Centre Of Canada is cold, though the winter has been rather mild for these parts, it still will be at least a couple of months before I can clean up the deck. I am looking forward to starting garden plants soon.

The current week started with what is known as a Statutory Holiday. In Manitoba’s case called Louis Riel Day. I then worked two days and now am into a four day spread off days off. Today brought the apartment owners in to do an inspection, meaning them taking pictures of each room then leaving. It means they are starting a new apartment project. They wanted to see exactly how each apartment layout is used by tenants. With the pictures, the company can adjust spaces accordingly.

Daughter is off on vacation so we have invited ex BIL and SIL over for supper (dinner) tomorrow night. Haven’t seen them in awhile. A good visit will be had. I am certain that granddaughter will squeeze herself into the do.

It is to warm up soon again. Right now we have windchills of -45C


Wednesday 15 February 2023


 My first week of working three days was not what I expected. It was a whole lot slower than I thought it would be. I expected some residual work from last year, but none came. I am going to go ahead and day, it is all good. When I woke up Thursday, I for sure thought it was Friday. Guessing it will take a bit of time getting use to the extra day off.

I have a plan to work on one to two homemade gifts per month. Failing fast as I thought I had finished off an Afghan but nope it is in my opinion too short. I am picking out the castoff row and will continue on for another foot or so. I have the next five days off. Hoping to finish it.

Well, I received my first pay with the less hours. They docked me one days pay as the VP gave the wrong working days. That’s quite fine, next pay will be a bit extra. Alls good that ends well.

Yesterday we hit a high of +3C. Within a space of four - five hours we were at -27C, without the windchill. It snowed also which made for blizzard conditions in our area. All the roads were closed most of the night. Back to sun today and cold.

The soap is to add to my gift cupboard as is the Afghan. Sorry for the dark picture.

Three people at work have the new Covid variant. Also going around is the Norvovirus. In addition is a stomach virus. No throwing up with that one just spending a lot of time in the bathroom. Lots of people are back to travelling so to be expected. I try to stay away from people as much as I can.

We have booked a cabin/cottage for a week in summer. The kids are pumped. We usually do a camping trip. I sold my camper last year. We thought we would try this. If it doesn’t work, we will use DIL camper in the future.

I thought January’s grocery spend was low then I found another receipt. I am over by $75. Back to no spend for awhile.
